Saturday, September 8, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

More Flies with Honey

There was a fly in the car driving me crazy and I thought, I would not get rid of the car to deal with the fly, and that is how I knew marriage takes VERY HARD work when it is most difficult. Ignore the flies, and enjoy the honey that is attracting them.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tax Refund per Richard

What is the status of our refund?


Reason for delay #1201-- injured spouse status--18 weeks.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Learning to G

Who knew gardening required knowledge and ability? I did not know. This year I planted my first garden, and it has problems! The first problem being me. The second being my lack of information, and the third being lack of money.

How am I the problem? I hurried.

How is my lack of information a problem? I forgot to consider how far apart certain things needed to be to grow in the same garden. I did not learn the best way to prepare the soil. I should have found out about the main problem weeds here before going nuts with the seeds. I ought to know that newly tilled grass needs to be limed, weeded with lawn and weed killer and not to let my mulching mower blow into the garden when it has things that are gone to seed like dandelions, creeping charlie, crab grass, grass.

How is money a problem? We could not afford the lime, or weed and lawn killer even if we had known what we know today.

You can see in the pics that our garden has been taken over, and even though some things are growing they will be choked out before they can produce. When it rains every day then the sun shines every day too it becomes impossible to keep all the weeds out of the garden. However, if I had made sure all the weeds were dead before I planted I could have kept up with it.

So take a look at our learning curve. See that I can mow our garden? This is not what it should look like.

I can say happily that my flowers are coming up strong and pretty. They may eventually be overcome by crabgrass and clover, but right now they are blooming.

Next year I will implement an intelligent informed plan that produces a good garden.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Conundrums Concerning Age 6

She already acts like a 15 year old. Aren't kids this age suppose to think that Mom knows everything? She disagrees with everything I say. How does this bode for the future when puberty and hormones and boys start factoring into the conversations we have? I seriously need some insight.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Apparently, I just do not give time to blog. I want to give time to blog. I love to write, and of course I love to hear myself think. It is a good way for me to do checks and balances on myself. So far, my daily choices have been different and life is improving, but I do not seem to make the time to blog about them. My younger brother, Will started a blog called Random Rantings, and I think he was inspired. It was nice to get my mind caught up in a value even though I may have a blind side to the topic, I liked that it made me start to think about it from every direction to be fair, merciful, prayerful, and feel for someone other than myself. It also helped me know where I I stand on that idea today. Maybe next time I talk about it I will have developed a more intelligent stand point. Hopefully I become wise in this life rather than a fool.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Daily Changes

It is true that we experience personal changes every day. I have decided that I need to make better choices and create improved changes rather than devolving changes. I am going to try to include in that Blogging about my changes, how and why I chose to make those. Maybe it will help someone else.